Profit Layout’s All-In-One Automated Business Management Software

Stop Software Stacking In The Year 2024! Say Goodbye To Constantly Logging In & Hopping Into A Website Building Software (Wix.Com) To Make A Website Edit, & Then Into A Calendar / Booking Software (Calendly) To See Your Upcoming Appointments For The Day, & Then Into A Form / Survey Building Software (Typeforms) To Create Or Edit A Form/Survey, & Then Into A Email Marketing Automation Software (Mailchimp) To Edit Or Create A Email Campaign, & Then Into All The Other Additional Softwares. By Hopping From Software To Software You Are Subsequently Racking Up Unnecessary Monthly Business Bills & Ultimately Falling Victim To The All To Common Software Stacking Dilemma.

So Profit Layout Has Set Out On A Mission To Solve This Immensely Crippling Problem & Has A Perfect All-In-One Automated Business Management Software Solution. Consisting Of A Email, Text, Facebook Messenger, Google My Business Messages & Even Instagram Direct Messages Built-In Conversations Feature, A Calendar Builder & Appointment Manager, A Contact List & Contact Manager, A Visual Opportunities (Leads) Journey Stages Layout, A Full Payment Portal / Feature, A Email Builder & Automated Email Marketing Feature, Many Automated Driven Features To Automate Your Business Fully, A Website + Funnel Builder, A Online Reputation Manager, A Digital Ads Dashboard, & The Capability To Have This Powerful Software In Your Pocket As A Mobile App Too. Profit Layouts All-In-One Business Management Software Goes Above & Beyond, Surely Consisting Of Even More Features Then You Most Likely Had & Or Hoped Of Having Before. So Please, Enjoy The Ultimate Convenience Of All These Essential Business Features & Components Under 1 Software & Login.

This Service Will Last At Least 6 Months & Will Include The Following:

Conversations - $5

  • Conversate With Leads Via Email, Text, Facebook Messenger, Google My Business Messages & even Instagram direct messages Right Within The Software

  • Create Trigger Links, To Be Alerted When The Lead Opened What You Sent Them

  • Send Leads or existing customers payment invoice links via email or texts, Right Within The Software

Calendars - $20

  • Create & Manage Calendars That Can Be Pasted Right On Your Website

(Making It Easier Then Ever For Your Customers To Book An Appointment)

  • See, Create, & Manage Appointments On A Easy & User-friendly calendar Dashboard

Contacts - $5

  • See & Manage All Your Leads/Contacts On One Built-In Smart Contact List

  • Easily Create & add Contacts manually into the software

  • Send Bulk Emails/Texts & Review Requests to a selected group or all of your contacts easily and fast

  • Simply Export or Import Contacts Into The Software. No Matter You're Just Hoping On The Software, Or Need The Contacts On Paper

Opportunities - $5

  • See Where All Your Leads / opportunities Are In A Visual Customer Journey Layout

  • Move & Organize Your Leads / opportunities Through-out Your Custom Customer Journey Stages

Payments - $5

  • Create Products/Services To Sell Right From Your Website/Landing Pages

  • Easily See & Manage All Transactions/Orders

  • Easily Accept Payments From Your Customers digitally with either stripe or PayPal

  • (NEW) Easily Create, Schedule, & Send Invoices to Your Customers Digitally

Email Marketing - $10

  • Build Emails from a multitude of pre-built templates or create a completely custom email from scratch

  • Schedule These Newly Built Emails To Launch a New product or promotional campaign

  • Easily Track The results of the emails you send, allowing you to see statistics like if the email was delivered, opened, clicked, bounced, accepted, stored, rejected, complained, and even how many people replied to the email

  • Save Newly Built Emails as Templates, For you can build new but similarly structured emails

  • Easily Create Email Signature Templates

  • Create Trigger Links, To Be Alerted The Lead Opened What You Sent Them

Automation - $30

  • Build simple & elaborate automated workflows based on what potential customers do on the;
  • Website
  • In Conversations
  • Emails
  • Calls
  • Text Messages
  • Calendars
  • Customer Journey Stages
  • Forms / Surveys
  • Product / Services Purchased
  • & or trigger link clicked
  • Then respond to those actions by sending an automated;
  • Email
  • Text Message
  • Phone Call
  • Voicemail
  • Facebook Messenger message
  • instagram direct message
  • Google My Business Message
  • Manual text message
  • & or a manual call
  • Or respond with, or additionally respond with internal software automation like;
  • Adding a contact tag
  • Removing a contact tag
  • adding/updating a opportunity in the customer journey stages
  • Adding a note
  • Assigning Opportunity To A Specific User(s)
  • Removing Opportunity From A Specific User(s)
  • Setting a event start date
  • Adding opportunity to a workflow
  • Removing a opportunity from a workflow
  • Removing all leads / opportunities for a workflow
  • Remove a opportunity completely
  • Send a internal notification

(a automated email, text messages, or an actual internal software notification)

  • Set contact (opportunity/lead) as DND (do not disturb)
  • Edit a conversation
  • Send a review request
  • send a stripe one time charge
  • Update a appointment status
  • add a task
  • activate AI appointment booking bot
  • Add to Google Analytics
  • Add to Google AdWords
  • Update contact field
  • add custom audience to Facebook
  • remove from Custom audience on Facebook
  • Create conversion API event on Facebook
  • & Much More

Sites - $20

  • Build a website from a multitude of pre-built industry specific templates or create a completely custom website from scratch
  • Build funnels & landing/sales pages from a multitude of pre-built industry specific templates or create a completely custom funnel from scratch
  • Pre-Built Website & Funnel Template Industries;
  • Law Firms
  • Auto Dealers
  • Chiropractors
  • Coaching
  • Spas
  • Dental
  • Education
  • Gyms
  • Hair Salons / Barbers
  • Home Services
  • Hvac Services
  • Roofing
  • Phone Repairs
  • Electrician
  • Contractors
  • Construction
  • Insurance
  • Jewelers
  • Psychologists
  • Physical Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Dermatologists
  • Hospitals
  • Doctors
  • Pest Control
  • Plumbers
  • Realtor
  • Real estate brokers
  • Real estate development
  • Restaurants
  • Solar Companies
  • Yoga Classes
  • Martial Arts
  • Advertising Agency
  • Marketing Agency
  • Create a custom Website Chat widget for visitors of the website or even a funnel can have their questions answered, in short another great way to capture leads
  • Create custom courses to sell in our built-in membership course builder
  • Build Custom Forms & Surveys That Can Be Pasted Right On Your Website, or can even be sent in an email or text message
  • Store all your images that you use on your website, courses, funnels and etc. right within the built in media vault
  • If needed, Easily redirect URLs right within the software
  • (NEW) Create & Schedule Social Media Posts For Your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, & Google Business Accounts, all right within the software

  • (NEW) Create & Manage concise, keyword-rich Blog Articles that are easy for readers to understand and search engines to index; add custom SEO options so you control which categories, keywords, authors, images, videos and links appear on your Blog Webpages.

Reputation - $5

  • View your business’s reviews right within the software, laying out all the analytics you’ll need

  • Create & Send custom Reviews Requests to your customers via email or text message, right from within the software

  • Create a custom review widget that can be pasted right on your website / funnel

  • View, Manage, & reply to all your reviews from Google & Facebook

  • Expand, Manage & Ensure your business is on a network of 150 third-party publishers to push your brand's data to. Powered by dual-sync direct API integrations, you can showcase rich content like name/address/phone number, as well as images, publisher-specific fields, and more.

Reporting - $15

  • When Running A Google Ad(s), See All Your Google Ad Analytics Right With The Software
  • Analytics include;
  • Campaign(s) Analytics
  • Ad Group(s) Analytics
  • Individual Ad(s) Analytics
  • Conversion Analytics
  • Keyword Analytics
  • When Running A Facebook Ad(s), See All Your Facebook Ad Analytics Right With The Software
  • Analytics include;
  • Campaign(s) Analytics
  • Ad Set(s) Analytics
  • Individual Ad(s) Analytics
  • Demographic(s) Analytics
  • View Your Business’s Conversions Report To See Multiple Visual Representations Of The Revenue & Leads / Opportunities Your Business Closed, Plus The Total Contacts & Sessions Your Business Has Created/Captured
  • View Your Business’s Source Report To See Multiple Visual Representations Of All The Sources Potential Customers Are Coming From & What Pages They Are Visiting
  • Track & View All Your Business Call Analytics
  • Analytics include;
  • Answered Vs Missed Calls
  • Top Sources
  • Total Calls
  • Total Answered Calls
  • Total Missed Calls
  • Total First Time Calls
  • Average Call Duration
  • List Of Latest Phone Calls
  • Track & View All Your Business appointment Analytics
  • Analytics include;
  • Total Of Booked Appointments
  • Total Of Confirmed Appointments
  • Total Of Appointments That The Opportunity (Lead) Showed
  • Total Of Appointments That The Opportunity (Lead) No-Showed
  • Total Of Appointments That Were Canceled
  • What Booking Channel The Opportunity (Lead) Came From
  • What Booking Source The Opportunity (Lead) Came From
  • What Was The Outcome Of The Opportunity (Lead) - Confirmed, Showed, No-Showed, Canceled, Invalid, & Or New
  • List Of Appointment With Individual Analytics

Booking With Zach - $5

  • Simply book either a 10 minute call or a 1 hour meeting with zach, right within the software menu bar

Software Account Settings - $10

  • Easily edit business & personal account information, plus other general software settings
  • Add business staff, to have access to the powerful software too
  • Options include the following;
  • Choose if the staff member will have admin permissions or regular user permissions
  • Create each staff member their own custom sign-in credentials
  • Can create each staff member their own custom signature & assign them to a specific calendar
  • Control what pages / features each staff member has access too
  • Can create each staff member a custom voicemail
  • Can set each staff members availability days & times
  • Each staff member can sync the in-software calendar to their personal google / outlook calendar
  • Create teams to have multiple staff members assigned to a specific calendar or to easy manage a staff member that are support agents for the website
  • See & Manage Business phone numbers to call & send text messages with the software
  • See & Manage Business website / funnel domains to hosts your sites on the software
  • See & Manage Business SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) & Mailgun domains for sending emails with the software
  • Create contact tags for easy contact identification, sorting & searching
  • Easily create tasks for either staff members or for the company as a whole
  • Integrate & manage your facebook form fields mapping right within the software
  • Integrate your favorite platforms like the business’s google, facebook, instagram, QuickBooks, Clio, & Shopify accounts to get even more out of this already so crucial & powerful software

Our On-The-Go Mobile App - $20

  • Simple 3 Paned informational Dashboard
  • See your conversion rate, tasks, average rating, leads / opportunities, & theirs values on a simple 3 paned dashboard
  • Opportunities
  • Move & Organize Your Leads / opportunities Through-out Your Custom Customer Journey Stages
  • Conversations
  • Call from your phone number right within the app
  • Conversate With Leads Via Email or Text, Right from The App
  • Easily Create & add Contacts manually
  • Send Leads or existing customers payment invoice links via email or texts, Right from The Software
  • Reputation
  • View your business’s reviews right within the app, laying out all the review analytics you’ll need on the go
  • Create & Send custom Reviews Requests to your customers via email or text message, right from the app
  • View, Manage, & reply to all your reviews from Google & Facebook right from the app
  • Calendars
  • See Create, & Manage Appointments easily right within the app
  • Contacts
  • See & Manage All Your Leads/Contacts right on the app
  • Easily Create & add Contacts manually on the go
  • Payments
  • (NEW) Easily Create, Schedule, & Send Invoices To Your Customers Digitally While On The Go

⇩ The Real-World Price Breakdown ⇩

So Are You Going To Software Stack?

Book A Call & Ask About A Free Trial

Your Total Price: $155 /month

If The Price Is Truly A Problem We Can Discuss, Book A Call

Book A Dedicated 10 Minute Call With Profit Layout's Owner!

This is the most convenient and easiest way to talk with Zach. Use the calendar, to book a call!

Profit Layout's Hours

Monday - Friday: 12pm to 4:30pm

Saturday - Sunday: 2pm to 3pm

CLOSED On Easter

Important Information

Operates & Located - Hopatcong, NJ

Email Address -

Phone Number - 973-919-7393

© 2024 Profit Layout. All Rights Reserved.

© 2024 Profit Layout. All Rights Reserved.